Care of Bed Ridden Patient at Home

It is a tedious task to care for a person or a family member at home who is confined to bed. It will become a lot more easy if you consider yourself at his place and think about how you would have liked your care to be. Here are some quick points to consider:

  1. Personal hygiene: bath / body sponging daily, use of diaper and changing it at least twice a day, care of catheter (if present), regular trimming of beard/ moustache, hair combing , dental and oral hygiene
    General hygiene: changing bed sheet daily or when soiled, keep the room clean, use room freshener, use hand sanitizer before and after touching the person.
  2. Comfort : keeping body dry and warm, adequate cushioning, adequately lighted room, television, music
    Try to maintain as normal a daily routine for the person and the family as possible e.g. washing hands prior to meals, try to serve meals along with other family members, so that person does not feel isolated.
  3. Time off: Take help of health care professionals to take some time off for yourself to prevent burn out.
  4. Prevention and care of bed sore: avoid pressure over bony prominences, use of air / water mattress, 2 hourly position change, keep the skin dry using talcum powder.
  5. Medication and diet: prepare a medication chart, prefer home-made meal preparations over formula feeds, make meals as per person’s choice, keep the menu nutritious and interesting.

In the journey of cancer, patients receive many types of cancer treatments. Cancer surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and pain management are the main treatments. For advanced stage cancer chemo, radiation therapy and pain relief remains the mainstay of treatments. Unfortunately, even with the best treatment; if cancer gradually spreads throughout the body, palliative care is all that is required. Advanced cancer care network (ACCN) is committed to provide specialist health care at home to all advanced cancer patients. Home care is best for stage 4 cancer patients. Advanced cancer care centre is a place for people who don’t need to be in a hospital but can’t be cared for at home and offers an alternative to nearby nursing homes. Hospice care focuses on the palliation of a chronically ill, terminally ill or seriously ill patient’s pain and symptoms, end of life care and attending to their emotional and spiritual needs. ACCN is all set to provide not only nursing home care but home care products also at home and home becomes care home. The purpose of home health care or home care services is to provide comfort care to the patients. Home health care services include hospice care, home nurse, junior doctor, specialist doctor and other medical treatments at home. Sometimes home health aide can also work like in home nurse. Most of the health care agencies don’t provide respite care for caregiver, but we do. ACCN provides home care nursing services and doctors for home health for assisted living in Delhi, NCR and other parts of north India. Contact us for arranging home visit or for an appointment at our office.


Note:-This information should not be used as a substitute for necessary consultations with an Oncologist or Cancer Pain Specialist or Palliative Care Specialist to meet your individual needs. Always consult a medically trained & qualified professional with questions and concerns you have regarding your cancer and cancer related problems.

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