What is Palliative Care

Palliative care

Patients those who diagnosed with life-threatening illness (like advanced stage cancer or terminal cancer – Stage 4 cancer, stage 3 cancer), palliative care make the life much easier. The type of cancer you are suffering from may have different palliative needs.

The aim of the palliative treatment is to prevent and ease suffering and improve the patient’s quality of life. It works together with the primary treatment the patient receiving. However, it does not replace the primary treatment. Palliative care primarily focus on pain management and other troubling symptoms and meeting the patient’s emotional, spiritual, and practical needs. Pain and other troubling symptoms usually cannot be relieved or cured with primary treatment like chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Palliative care specialist doctors will work with the patient to identify and carry out his/her goals. Counselling, spiritual comfort or whatever enhances the patient’s quality of life will also be considered along with pain and symptoms relief as focus of concern. It helps the patient to understand all of the palliative treatment options. Palliative oncology is a part of palliative treatment. Patients may not necessarily need chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Palliative treatment – Cancer care

Palliative care gives a chance to live the life more comfortably. It provides relief from distressing symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, constipation, loss of appetite, problems with sleep and many other symptoms. It can also help you to deal with the side effects of the chemotherapy or radiation or immunotherapy or any other medical treatments. A very humanitarian approach is the main strengths of palliative care. Palliative care gives recognition to the patient as an individual and connects them with family and the world outside.

ACCN is India’s first dedicated super speciality services for pain management, palliative care and home based palliative care. ACCN is committed to highest standards of care for all oncology patients with advanced stage cancer or metastasis or metastatic cancer. ACCN is one of the best cancer hospitals in India, having its head office in Delhi.

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Click here to know about our services to treat various cancer symptoms.

In the journey of cancer, patients receive many types of cancer treatments. Cancer surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and pain management are the main treatments. For advanced stage cancer chemo, radiation therapy and pain relief remains the mainstay of treatments. Unfortunately, even with the best treatment; if cancer gradually spreads throughout the body, palliative care is all that is required. Advanced cancer care network (ACCN) is committed to provide specialist health care at home to all advanced cancer patients. Home care is best for stage 4 cancer patients. Advanced cancer care centre is a place for people who don’t need to be in a hospital but can’t be cared for at home and offers an alternative to nearby nursing homes. Hospice care focuses on the palliation of a chronically ill, terminally ill or seriously ill patient’s pain and symptoms, end of life care and attending to their emotional and spiritual needs. ACCN is all set to provide not only nursing home care but home care products also at home and home becomes care home. The purpose of home health care or home care services is to provide comfort care to the patients. Home health care services include hospice care, home nurse, junior doctor, specialist doctor and other medical treatments at home. Sometimes home health aide can also work like in home nurse. Most of the health care agencies don’t provide respite care for caregiver, but we do. ACCN provides home care nursing services and doctors for home health for assisted living in Delhi, NCR and other parts of north India. Contact us for arranging home visit or for an appointment at our office.


Note:-This information should not be used as a substitute for necessary consultations with an Oncologist or Cancer Pain Specialist or Palliative Care Specialist to meet your individual needs. Always consult a medically trained & qualified professional with questions and concerns you have regarding your cancer and cancer related problems.

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